Pro-Ton is Stinky's truck. He follows him all the time.
Read all about them at the Engine depot.
Stinky will be like the mountain engines in the Railway Series; with a face on his back! He will also have glasses like Whiff!
Here are some pics:
Both faces has square glasses. He's very dirty, and green smoke flies all over him!

There is a reason why Stinky has a face on his bunker. And that's because he always has a flatbed with him full of experiments!!!
There is no pic of the flatbed yet, but it will have a name.
Stinky will first appear in my seventh episode: "Stinky pals".
Let's start with the episodes. The episodes are called Stinky pals, and Percy reaches new heights!
More information can be found on the episodes

Now, the new engine!
The new engine is called Stinky! (He's referred to as Stinky the Nerd)

There is no picture of Stinky yet, but it will come soon. He is said to be just like Whiff.
Many trivias and goofs has been confirmed on many episodes. The goofs can tell you more about what the episode is about.
One of the goofs that might will shock you most is that, there will be an explosion in 'Old Wheezy Makeover'!!!
The explosion will be at the Logging Station!

Find out more about it, and other goofs and trivias at the Episodes.
The first special is rumoured to be called Train Wars, and Diesel 10 will be in it!
Edward's face says it all!
More information isn't known, but more will be on the way!
Now you can buy Ali the Rapper Engine! It's My First Thomas, Thomas Wooden Railway, Trackmaster and Take 'n' Play.
Remember, you cannot buy this for real. This is just fan made.
My First Thomas
Wooden Railway
Take 'n' play
As you can see, the Trackmaster model doesn't look pretty good, and he's pulling Annie and Clarabel! It must be a prototype.
And the My First Thomas model, doesn't have a cap or a bling-bling gem.
Available at a store near you.
This is from an unknown episode. The pic is clearly not finished. 
It's Thomas with two rubbish trucks steaming into a building, most likely the Steamworks, because of the small track next Thomas. There is no background outside, and there is no windows in the Steamworks.

This might be from a cancelled episode. No one knows. Time will tell...
Here is an updated pic of Ali
There is no big difference. It's just a mustache and beard added.

If you look closely, you can see it on this pic too:
D'you see it?
So Ali will be the only engine with mustache and beard.
I will have a turorial on how you can draw Thomas, so if you think you can't make him right, I can help you. I will do my best to make your Thomas look good. I will draw a little of him, step by step, from buffer to bunker and from funnel to wheels.

This project will have to wait a little while, so I can finish my first pic-episode quicker.
The sixth episode will be called 'Gordon's snowy day'.
You can find more information on it at Episodes.